Android App FitStack: BMI Calculator, Health Report and Diet Charts

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What is BMI or Body Mass Index?
 It is a simple calculation about your body to observe u as fat, fit or thin. Basically it is measured by taking your weight in kilograms (kg) unit divide by square (sq) of your height in meter (m) unit. So, if your weight = wt kg and height = ht meter. then
 your bmi = wt/(ht*ht) kg per meter sq. 

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What is BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate?:
It is the measurement of minimum calorie energy needs of a person in a single day or in 24 hours. It is called minimum because it calculates the energies in calorie as if that person is in complete rest over the whole day. We can imagine of a person who is unconscious in a day and didn't done any of the works except lying unconsciously. That net calories are his/her bmr. Since male and female's architecture of body is quite different, a same aged weighted and heighted male and female have discrete bmr. In the app there used Harris-Benedict formula of finding bmr for both male and female sex. Obviously the equation are different in two individuals. If u need to know more about this famous calculation then just search on google. You will find many of the articles and facebook posts about it.

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